Can you find all these critters? Click on the pics for their info.

Pinto mini horse gelding (half brother of Lily) 2018

German Shorthair Pointer 2018

pinto British Sport Horse: 3 oz Appleton Reserve 2011

GSP pup, born Apr 24 2024, male

Quarter Horse gelding, sooty buckskin, 2012

Mini myotonic (fainting) goat momma 2018

Black short-hair male cat, born Apr 2024. Mouse-keeping staff.

roan pino mini horse mare (half sister of Bo) 2018

Indian Blue Peacock, and pied female, and their chick

Whisper 2021 Katahdin ewe and her flock

2021 Easter Egger rooster

Pony of the Americas x Welsh filly, creme with snowflakes. 2022. She is a boarder here.

Grey short-hair male cat, born Apr 2024. Mouse-keeping staff.

Fainting goat, 2022, daughter of Clover. Daisy is a boarder here.

Muscovy pair. They are 'whispering' waterfowl, almost a goose; native to South America, they don't speak the local language of 'quacky' ducks.

Morgan x Percheron gelding, grey, 2009. He is a boarder here.

Variety of 'quacky' ducks: Pekin, Welsh Harlequin, and Indian Runner (upright, slim ducks).

Black long-hair male cat, born Apr 2024; mousekeeping staff.

ISA browns 2024, Easter Egger 2023 and 2024, Lavender Orpingtons 2024

Baby lambs are born once or twice a year on the farm.

2024 Nigerian Dwarf buck (billy goat)
Animal Sales
POULTRY: Check our online store (Order Products button, above) for pre-orders for hatchlings and ready-to-lay hens.
Pick up is usually mid-May.
LIVESTOCK: We occasionally have Katahdin-Dorper and other sheep, Myotonic goats and other critters for sale - inquire! ​